An Infrastructure Crossroads

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the United States is facing a critical juncture. Infrastructure throughout our country is in a sad state of disrepair, deteriorating rapidly in 16 major categories.

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The Pragmatic-Idealist

“I am a pragmatic-idealist.” This is the dichotomy of a tagline I use to describe my life/business philosophy. The result of a spontaneous response at a dinner party, this phrase has proven to be not only a catchy one-liner, but to my surprise it has become a core value, as well.

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Innovation and the Innovator

We hear a lot about innovation these days, but what is it?

Innovation is imagination applied. And by applied, I mean it takes energy. Imagination, without the energy and force of will to achieve behind it, is nothing more than an idea.

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The Invitation of Uncertainty

Uncertainty invites ideas and ideas invite debate.

I once read that “when everything is uncertain anything is possible.” Stated another way, when everything is uncertain all ideas possess a spark of possibility.

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Climb Out

It may be time to climb out of the well and look for a new place to dig! Often, when faced with a problem or a challenging period, we hunker-down and focus on details within the comfort zone of familiarity.

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My Gritty Team

I have a gritty team and I am proud of it!

Recently Forbes highlighted “grit” as a key factor in success. The article states that, “According to psychologist Angela Duckworth, the secret to outstanding achievement isn’t talent. Instead, it’s a special blend of persistence and passion that she calls – grit.”

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Investing in Engagement

Do you ever wonder what you’d do without your cell phone? I know a few people who claim they would, quite literally, die without this little tool. I think dying is a bit extreme but their point is well taken. It’s amazing how we have become quite dependent upon our little devices. I feel the… Read more »

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When Moving Forward is Risky

I work for a 100-year-old water utility in Colorado. We are a public sector entity, meaning our employees are afforded additional constitutional protections. Our average employee tenure is more than 14 years, an average driven down by the number of retirements in recent years. For much of our history, we have operated like many other… Read more »

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