The Silver Lining of a Crisis
By definition, it is impossible to imagine the unimaginable. But history has demonstrated time and time again that the unimaginable does occur.
Continue...The Future Element
The Future Element
By definition, it is impossible to imagine the unimaginable. But history has demonstrated time and time again that the unimaginable does occur.
Continue...For the past 20 years we have been riding a bull and its name is Technology. I acknowledge we have been on this bull longer, but as the new millennium approached it felt as if the stall gate burst open, the lack of restraint launching us on an unsettled ride with thrills and risks we would… Read more »
Continue...Leadership is emotional! There, I said it.It’s not something people want to talk about or even admit. But leadership, like life itself, is an emotional experience. As a leader, more responsibility brings more emotions into situations, and managing them is ultimately a significant factor of success.
Continue...A generation’s perspective – the lens through which they view their world, define their values and identify their expectations for the future – is formed and polished by their collective life experience. This being the case, it is not surprising there is such a profound disconnect between the values of many established leaders and the… Read more »
Continue...As we move into a future that will be unlike anything humankind has ever experienced, many feel displaced in some way, uncomfortable refugees of the digital age.
Continue...Alaska has been on fire this summer. Flames have burned 2.5 million acres and the resulting smoke has engulfed the majority of the state’s population. References: About 2.5 Million Acres in Alaska Have Burned. The State’s Wildfire Seasons Are Getting Worse, Experts Say Time, August 21, 2019. Wildfires: The Air We Breathe KTUU, August 30,… Read more »
Continue...For decades, science fiction writers and skilled marketers have been promising the panacea of a technically enhanced future, a carefree lifestyle in which we are relieved from the drudgery of routine tasks and the burdens of daily life. References: Lost in Space Holodeck Dear Parents: The Internet Never Forgets Ori Brafman
Continue...Imagine for a moment that you been taken on a journey and transported to an unfamiliar place.
Continue...A member of my staff once said, “I work my eight hours so that I can go do what I really want to do.”