Building a Successful, Caring Community

More than 20 years ago, I signed up as a volunteer at Covenant House Alaska – the only shelter for youth experiencing homelessness in the southcentral region of the state – and it changed the trajectory of my life.

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Trust Your Strengths

A major career change accompanied by a major move set in motion a domino effect from which I’m still grieving, learning and growing after realizing my career was my identity.

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Starting a Journey Toward Homeless Solutions

The scenery was bold and breathtaking. The snow-covered mountains surrounding the city of Anchorage, Alaska, could not have contrasted more from my warm Mediterranean hometown of Genoa, Italy. It was January 27, 2001, and I came to the United States as an intern at an Alaska architecture firm.

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Building to Withstand a Crisis

The world is in the midst of a global pandemic, and with my agency operating on overdrive I am finding strength in a country music song. Through long days, and tough decisions, I sing, “The house don’t fall when the bones are good.”

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Pledging to Include

We live in a time of division. Indeed, there is even division over how divided we are (or aren’t). To me, the problem isn’t that we are divided – a vibrant marketplace of ideas is the source of a healthy society; rather, it is that we are not good at it. We meet difference with… Read more »

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Bigger than a Box

The ShelterBox tent is a big piece of equipment. It’s easily three long strides across. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice her at first. In fact, that’s probably the first thing I remember about Jingky and that long-ago trip to the Philippines – that she wasn’t there, and then suddenly, she was.

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What’s “In the Box” and How To Get Out

Out of the box. Thinking, getting, being “out of the box” is a well-worn cliché. I’ve used it, and you probably have, too. But what is this box we’re all talking about? What’s in it, what keeps us in it, and why do we want so badly to get out of it

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Lead People, Not Projects

I needed to do something completely removed from my professional life. For 25 years I had focused intently on raising my children and building a career in public relations. Life was about balancing family and professional priorities.

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