Supporting the Remote Worker; Eight Valuable Insights

The global economy, location and desires of the labor market, and the incredibly rapid change in technology have all had a significant impact on the way business is conducted. Likewise, the price of commercial real estate, commuting and traffic challenges and the unyielding competition for talented and skilled labor have led many organizations to offer remote… Read more »


A Bull Named Technology

For the past 20 years we have been riding a bull and its name is Technology. I acknowledge we have been on this bull longer, but as the new millennium approached it felt as if the stall gate burst open, the lack of restraint launching us on an unsettled ride with thrills and risks we… Read more »


Attention’s Nemesis

Where we focus our attention determines what we accomplish, and ultimately, who we become.

Attention directs our intent and concentrates our efforts. It sets our course, and therefore, determines our destination.


The Differentiator – You!

Technology is not a competitive differentiator. Sure, in the short term it can make a difference but as a pillar for a competitive strategy it makes a poor crutch. If you doubt this, you only need look at the iPhone® for validation.


Innovation and the Innovator

We hear a lot about innovation these days, but what is it?

Innovation is imagination applied. And by applied, I mean it takes energy. Imagination, without the energy and force of will to achieve behind it, is nothing more than an idea.


The Invitation of Uncertainty

Uncertainty invites ideas and ideas invite debate.

I once read that “when everything is uncertain anything is possible.” Stated another way, when everything is uncertain all ideas possess a spark of possibility.


Climb Out

It may be time to climb out of the well and look for a new place to dig! Often, when faced with a problem or a challenging period, we hunker-down and focus on details within the comfort zone of familiarity.
