Conscious Capitalism

Conscious Capitalism is a business framework and movement that is picking up steam outside and around the world. Chapters of business people promoting this idea are now alive and well in 18 U.S. cities and 8 more abroad. A magazine called Conscious Company is now on shelves in 49 of the 50 states (including AK).… Read more »

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The Art of Education

A little ditty ‘bout Jack & Diane…two American kids growing up in the heart land.” —John Mellencamp Actually, this story isn’t about “Jack and Diane.” It is about Derek and Jessica but they do live in the heartland—Osage, Iowa to be exact. Osage is a town of 3600 in northern Iowa near the Minnesota border.… Read more »

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The Case for Sole Proprietorship

I learned a long time ago that in order to move forward in a positive manner, we must take responsibility for our own shortcomings. Nowhere in my entire career is this belief accentuated than in my years as a Sole Proprietor. The following narrative offers some insight into my work as an entrepreneur and hopefully,… Read more »

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Social Entrepreneurship

Parks for All Strives to Create More Inclusive Communities for All Children Since you’re reading a magazine called STRIVE, you have a bit of an entrepreneurial, innovative spirit. You are an idea person and a leader. You strive to bring value to the world, a voice to the table and action to that voice. You… Read more »

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A Different Perspective

It’s hard for Alaskans not to feel like we’re “under siege”. Every day, there’s more news about low oil prices in Alaska, which is adversely affecting the State budget, oilfield-related jobs, and the ripple effect of state contracts not awarded. Many of us wonder if Alaska’s opportunities will be limited in the future – will… Read more »

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