Playing with Fire

Innovation is change that contains within it the promise of something better. It’s sexy. Its potential elicits excitement in anticipation that it will, in some way, make life easier by relieving us of one or more of life’s burdensome tasks or responsibilities. This is because we tend to think of innovation as an event occurring… Read more »

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The Zen Leader – Know Thyself

In my early 20s, I left home for a few months to journey through East Asia. I traveled with two of my best friends, one large backpack and $3,000 in traveler’s checks. I would love to tell you a sexy story about being enlightened in the local ashram in Bangkok, but that would be a… Read more »

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Be an Information Advocate

Like most Americans, I consider disinformation to be a serious threat to our democracy and economy. Efforts to intentionally mislead by polluting the overall information environment undermine the capacity of individuals and organizations to engage in informed decision-making.

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Mentoring the Future

The caller ID pops up on my cell phone. It’s an intern from years past. A smile emerges, the hellos quickly bringing us back to a comfortable place. As the conversation progresses, it’s clear this is more than a call to catch up. They have called for advice.

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A Personal Journey of a Professional Pursuit

Four years ago, as part of a PhD degree program, I began researching whether and how people’s beliefs differ related to the concept of well-being. This professional pursuit and examination generated unexpected revelations: The experience transpired into a highly personal, transformational journey that can only be described as serendipitous.

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Basic Necessity: Communication

We are amidst a time of disease, hatred and collusive agendas, where news media has become more essential and also more corrupt. As people turn to their TVs and mobile devices for the latest information, we as journalists and media contributors must be inclusive and diligent in our approach to reporting to protect people’s lives… Read more »

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Meaning and Fulfillment Is the New Wealth

At times as I was growing up in Aotearoa/New Zealand, I felt like I was slipping off the edge of the world. It’s so silent in places that in moments alone I would wonder if I was still on the face of the earth. Back then, more than anything I wanted to leave, to go… Read more »

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The Peaceful Entrepreneur

I enjoy spending my free time mentoring startup CEOs and founders at the Oregon State University Advantage Accelerator. As a fellow entrepreneur, I’m drawn to creative individuals with a vision. Whether they are pitching a new medical device or an engineering software tool, I love their enthusiasm and passion.

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Choosing Change

In today’s world, when something is broken we tend to throw it out. No real thought or consideration, just out with the old and in with the new, shiny replacement that promises to make life easier, better and more vibrant than before. But the older I get, the more I begin to question the validity… Read more »

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