A Bull Named Technology

For the past 20 years we have been riding a bull and its name is Technology. I acknowledge we have been on this bull longer, but as the new millennium approached it felt as if the stall gate burst open, the lack of restraint launching us on an unsettled ride with thrills and risks we… Read more »

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A generation’s perspective – the lens through which they view their world, define their values and identify their expectations for the future – is formed and polished by their collective life experience. This being the case, it is not surprising there is such a profound disconnect between the values of many established leaders and the… Read more »

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A generation’s perspective – the lens through which they view their world, define their values and identify their expectations for the future – is formed and polished by their collective life experience. This being the case, it is not surprising there is such a profound disconnect between the values of many established leaders and the expectations… Read more »

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What’s “In the Box” and How To Get Out

Out of the box. Thinking, getting, being “out of the box” is a well-worn cliché. I’ve used it, and you probably have, too. But what is this box we’re all talking about? What’s in it, what keeps us in it, and why do we want so badly to get out of it

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Impacting Meaningful Change

In 2009, I decided to leave a long career in political campaigning to look for something more meaningful. I had traveled some throughout the years and I knew that I wanted to spend time volunteering in a foreign country, specifically a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America.

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Lead People, Not Projects

I needed to do something completely removed from my professional life. For 25 years I had focused intently on raising my children and building a career in public relations. Life was about balancing family and professional priorities.

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Preserving Community and Culture

Throughout our tribe’s storied past, our survival has depended on our ability to adapt and be resourceful. As times change, our approaches to how we live, work and communicate adapt to become ever more entwined with technology.

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Into the Void

My favorite color is black. Besides its slimming effect, it is the color of the void. In the void lies all possibility and change. In the void lies the future.

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