An Infrastructure Crossroads

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the United States is facing a critical juncture. Infrastructure throughout our country is in a sad state of disrepair, deteriorating rapidly in 16 major categories.

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Innovation and the Innovator

We hear a lot about innovation these days, but what is it?

Innovation is imagination applied. And by applied, I mean it takes energy. Imagination, without the energy and force of will to achieve behind it, is nothing more than an idea.

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Climb Out

It may be time to climb out of the well and look for a new place to dig! Often, when faced with a problem or a challenging period, we hunker-down and focus on details within the comfort zone of familiarity.

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Investing in Engagement

Do you ever wonder what you’d do without your cell phone? I know a few people who claim they would, quite literally, die without this little tool. I think dying is a bit extreme but their point is well taken. It’s amazing how we have become quite dependent upon our little devices. I feel the… Read more »

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First Impressions Matter

First impressions matter. But what follows a first impression, the repeating pattern that emerges, is where expectations are formed. Individuals, teams or organizations will, through their behaviors and actions, have an opportunity to show what they are made of, what they are committed to, or what they are capable of. First impressions, therefore, are either… Read more »

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The Trouble with ERM

  Enterprise Risk Management. It is a not-so-sexy phrase too often bandied-about the upper echelons of management with little appreciation for the true meaning of the term, and quite frankly, little desire to pursue any comprehension beyond the ability to say “Yes! We do ERM!” While I’ve enjoyed many a Dilbert© cartoon on the subject,… Read more »

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A Happenstance Innovator

I have never considered myself an innovator. In fact, as a young musician, I frequently found myself one step behind the curve when it came to creating the next cool sound. During the formative years of my professional career, I was constantly told there are very few new ideas and more regurgitation and repackaging of… Read more »

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Conscious Capitalism

Conscious Capitalism is a business framework and movement that is picking up steam outside and around the world. Chapters of business people promoting this idea are now alive and well in 18 U.S. cities and 8 more abroad. A magazine called Conscious Company is now on shelves in 49 of the 50 states (including AK).… Read more »

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